As an equipment purchaser, you want to get the best value for your exam table investment. But if decisions are based on comparing list prices alone, there are other factors that are important to consider from a Total-Cost-of-Ownership perspective.
Here are five key factors equipment purchasers often don’t take into account that can have a significant impact on your costs over the life of your exam table.
Compare standard features carefully.
If you look no further than the base list price when comparing equipment from various manufacturers, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply “lowest price wins.” But far too often, you don’t have an apples-to-apples comparison when reviewing those base list prices.
Take power exam tables for example. Many healthcare enterprises consider features like safety grab bars, a work surface for caregivers and ample storage essential to meet their clinical needs. These can all be standard equipment included in that base list price or they can be upcharges that could easily cost you $1,500 to wind up with a similarly equipped solution.
Be sure shipping is part of the equation.
Shipping is one of those costs that can be “invisible” to buyers. It’s just seen as the cost of doing business, so it may not be factored into the overall selection decision. But it matters. Free shipping can save you hundreds off the true total cost of ownership of a power exam table.
Is training included?
Proper training is critical to assuring that your staff optimizes the value of your investment. So, it’s important to note whether it’s included in your purchase price. If not, your equipment can wind up costing you more than anticipated. Or worse, your staff may not receive the training necessary to take advantage of all of your equipment’s capabilities.
Warranties matter.
An equipment warranty is your assurance that if you encounter any problems with your equipment, it will be taken care of without racking up unexpected parts and service costs. The longer the warranty the greater your protection.
Power tables can have up to a standard 3-year warranty on them, while other brands may add hefty upcharges to deliver a comparable investment protection. And should a table need to be returned for service, will the manufacturer provide a free loaner to keep your practice running as usual?
Make sure you’re doing everything you can to prevent “Never Events.”
Falls have been identified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as an event that is preventable and should never occur. They can result in injuries to patients and caregivers, lead to care setbacks and negatively impact reimbursement.
This is why it pays to choose clinical and exam room solutions that set the standard for safe patient handling. That’s where features like three-sided contact for more well-supported wheelchair transfers, models with high weight capacities to address mobility needs of bariatric patients come in. Ergonomic advances like these can help your practice be better equipped to avoid costly “Never Events.”
Remember, by looking at the big picture, you can minimize your Total Cost of Ownership, while enhancing safety, productivity, patient & staff satisfaction and your bottom line.
To learn more about Brewer’s exam tables and the value they bring, check out our medical products page.